Fusion 360 Milling Post Processor for Centroid

General Milling Post Processor for Centroid with additional Features

Project maintained by swissi2000 Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

#306 Fusion 360 Tool Path Name

#307 Fusion 360 Tool Path Notes


User-String-Variable #306 holds the Fusion 360 Tool Path Name from the Fusion 360 CAM file.

User-String-Variable #307 holds the Fusion 360 Tool Path Notes from the Fusion 360 CAM file.

These variables will update during the job execution for every new tool path.

This is an example of a #306 and #307 information string:

#306 = "Outside Contour 2D Adaptive"   ; Tool Path Name/Description
#307 = "2D Adaptive roughing of outside contour"   ; Tool Path Notes

Information Source

By default, Fusion 360 gives the tool path a generic namen like 2D Contour1 and numbers them. Rename the Tool Paths to get a more descriptive name.

By right-clicking the Tool Path Name with the mouse, Tool Path Notes can be added to give instructions during job execution:

Note that only the first 80 characters of the Tool Path Notes will be available in variable #307.

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